Our Wildlife Hospital admits more than 6,300 animals every year! This life-saving work is funded through the generosity of our community.
We receive no local, state, or federal funding. Please consider making a donation towards the care of our many patients! Your donation helps to buy the much needed supplies, food, and medication that keep our hospital running!
Cedar Run only accepts native wildlife to NJ. We do not accept any domestic animals, farm animals, or domestic/homing pigeons.
If you find a wild animal with obvious injuries, please bring the animal to us as soon as possible. Please refer to our Capture/Transport page for specifics on handling wild animals.
If you have found a baby wild animal or are not sure of injury, please call our hospital for advice or click on the link below for more information. Many times babies can be reunited with their families.
856-983-3329 ext. 107
9am-4:00pm Mon-Sun (Fall/Winter); 9am-7:00pm (Spring/Summer)
Please do not email questions or post questions on Facebook. We are busy attending to our patients and cannot answer in a timely manner.
Please contact us via phone.