Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Create a Lasting Tribute

Make your mark on Cedar Run’s future today with a memorial or tribute gift. Your donation will make a big impact on our mission to protect and preserve our native wildlife.

There are many ways to donate to Cedar Run and honor a loved one, celebrate a milestone, or just include a special message and your name! With memorial and tribute gifts, you can create a living legacy enjoyed by thousands of people visiting Cedar Run each year.

All bench placement is subject to Cedar Run’s needs and limited space for bench placement locations. A bench will be displayed for 10 years from the date of purchase and at the conclusion of the 10 years a new bench and plaque must be purchased for continued participation in the program. All dedication plaque inscriptions are subject to review and approval by Cedar Run. Cedar Run reserves the right to accept or reject all text.

  • Please allow the following wait times for your custom item to be ordered and installed at Cedar Run.
    • Custom Engraved Dedication Bench: 6 months from the time of purchase
    • Dedication Bench with Custom Plaque: 3 months from the time of purchase
    • Custom Bridge Plaques: 8-10 weeks from the time of purchase

Custom Engraved Dedication Bench

  • 4-foot long custom engraved bench with an option for a nature-based image.
  • Up to 4 lines of wording. 26 characters per line, including spaces.
  • 100% Recycled Plastic, Weather Resistant, eco-friendly.

Dedication Bench with Custom Plaque

  • 6-foot long bench with a custom plaque mounted on the bench
  • Up to 3 lines of wording. 43 characters per line, including spaces.
  • 100% Recycled Plastic, Weather Resistant, eco-friendly.

Custom Bridge Plaque

  • 4”x6” plaque. Limited to space, but no character limit at this time.
  • Placed on Spendelow Bridge over Cedar Run Lake

Complete the form below. Should you have questions or need more information, please contact us at 856-983-3329 ext 102 or

Memorial and Tribute Gift Purchase Form

$ 2,500.00
Personal Info

Type your desired message below.


Up to 4 lines of wording. 26 characters per line, including spaces. If you do wish to have a nature-based engraved image, please note what you would like.


Up to 4 lines of wording. 26 characters per line, including spaces.


Please be advised that these plaques are 4” x 6”. We recommend a limited amount of text to allow for the best visual result.
Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.
Billing Details

Donation Total: $2,500.00