Homeschool Classes (ages 11-13)

April 2, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Ages 11-13

NEW for 2023! For older students we will be running 4-week sessions in October, November, March, April and May. We also hold a Family Night Hike in February.

2023-2024 Dates and Themes:

  • September – NO CLASSES
  • 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 and 10/31 – Misunderstood Animals
  • 11/7, 11/14, 11/21 and 11/28 – The Fungi Kingdom
  • December – NO CLASSES
  • January – NO CLASSES
  • 2/14 or 2/15 – SPECIAL SESSION: Family Night Hike (*5:30-7:00pm) – Register Here
  • 3/5, 3/12, 3/19 and 3/26 – All About Plants
  • 4/2, 4/9, 4/16 and 4/23 – Crazy for Conservation
  • 5/7, 5/14, 5/21 and 5/28 – Our Blue Planet
  • June – NO CLASSES

All classes run from 2:00-4:00pm.

The fee is $60 per child per 4-week session. You must sign-up for all classes within a session.

Registration for this event has ended.

Important Information:


Pre-registration is required and space is limited. Please register each child separately. NOTE: Sessions that are FULL, or cancelled due to low numbers, will be removed from the sign-up list.


Due to the overwhelming demand for our classes and numerous last minute cancellations. We require that all classes will require prepayment at the time of registration. We will be unable to provide refunds or credits for changes in schedules/personal conflicts or other personal reasons. However, in the event of a class cancellation by Cedar Run, due to inclement weather or otherwise, we will offer all registrants a credit towards the next month’s class or a fee refund.


Drop-offs are available for homeschool classes. Please be punctual, as your child may miss some vital information at the start if they are late, and may also cause a distraction for those who are on time.

All parents are welcome to stay and enjoy our grounds and Nature Center while your child is in class or leave the grounds and return at the end of the session.

Please note: Parents are also required to sign a release form once per school year so we have emergency contact information for all children. The form will be emailed to you after registration or can be completed at your first class.


You are welcome to attend any and all classes with your children and act as a chaperone. If you choose to attend, we would like to stress the importance of your active participation. We also ask that you turn off all cell phones and other distractions for the duration of the visit.

If you decide to stay and observe your child’s class and your child has a younger sibling that is not enrolled in our program, please make sure that he or she is not being disruptive to the other children. If we find a younger sibling is being disruptive to the class, we may ask you to excuse yourself from our program.


Classes will be held exclusively outdoors, even if weather is inclement. Only snow closings of the Medford Twp School District will cancel our classes. Please be sure your child is adequately prepared for weather conditions including rain, snow, sun, cold, and heat.


If you will not be attending the class, be sure to pick your child up on time as well. Educators often have other assignments right after your class and are not available to supervise children waiting for rides.

Expected Behavior

Please prepare your child by helping him or her to understand appropriate group learning behavior. Raising hands before shouting out questions or ideas, taking turns, staying with the group, and being respectful to class-mates and teachers will be essential for a productive learning experience.


Email our Education Department at [email protected]